Girls' Education in Afghanistan

One of our grantees, based in Afghanistan, has been working tirelessly to provide clandestine classrooms for Afghan girls while they remain banned from attending school under Taliban rule.

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Afghan Girls' Underground Schools

Despite international advocacy for women's rights, the Taliban continues to establish a gender apartheid with restrictions on education, employment, and public participation. The closure of schools and universities, coupled with limited access to basic rights, perpetuates a cycle of oppression and despair. The resumption of such brutal punishments underscores the urgency of our mission to support girls' education and women’s rights. One of our grantees, based in Afghanistan, has been working tirelessly to provide clandestine classrooms for Afghan girls while they remain banned from attending school under Taliban rule.

These schools are pivotal in combating oppression and fostering a chance for a brighter future for these brave girls and frontline activists. We had a chance to speak to some of these students and their teacher recently - here is what they had to say: