Resistenza Femminista
Founded in 2013 in Italy, Resistenza Femminista fights against the sexual exploitation of women and girls in Italy. Their primary focus continues to be on raising awareness about the detrimental impacts of prostitution while advocating for transformative change. As with all our grantees, they are advocates of the Equality Model. Collaborating with other women's rights organizations, they tirelessly advocate for adopting this model in Italy. Complementing their advocacy work, Resistenza Femminista conducts various educational events, including webinars, seminars, and conferences, to engage young people in critical discussions about the harmful effects of pornography and its ties to prostitution and gender-based violence. Resistenza Femminista maintains its unwavering support for survivors, offering economic assistance and housing, aligning with their dedication to holistic support and systemic change.
Your donation can support their work to end exploitation. Donate now to help build a safer, more equitable world for women and girls.